A Product Story: enTRAPreneur
The concept of our enTRAPreneur collection; is a play-on
of the word entrepreneur.
The term "trap" is synonymous in the hip hop community.
"Trap Music" derived from the hip-hop genre of the subject matter of selling drugs. Referring to being stuck in a cycle of hustling or selling drugs.
But just like hustling, you can trap more than illegal illicit products.
Even in business you can become "trapped" as an entrepreneur.
You'll get a lot of outside distractions, negative comments, and doubters, so you tend to build a wall from these outside entities.
When you build this wall, you can become "trapped".
Sometimes you can become so engulfed in a business project, idea, or concept and become trapped inside, because you're in it so deep.
Just like hustling and business goes hand and hand; Entrepreneurial and trap life does as well..Question is..
Are you about that enTRAPreneurial life?